Blade Bryson Wade Anderson
8/30/02 - 1/4/03
8/30/02 - 1/4/03
Our Loving Blade – A – NATER
Anticipation, 15 years such a long wait…
My little champion, the battle had been won
My healthy, happy, loving son
My little frog – nursed so contentedly
Nourishment, being his utmost priority
The wondering doctors were amazed how fast you grew
Big sister Tissy and I, the answer, we knew
Perfection, a blessing directly from heaven
Chubby little cheeks, pleasant disposition, a button nose
Sweet precious soul, setting our hearts aglow
Auburn brown hair, delicate lips
Beautiful blue eyes, with just a tint of gray
What a blessing if only for 4 months and 4 days
God decided it was time for you to enter heaven’s gate
You were so wonderful – He’d not wait
In our hearts is where you’ll be
Every moment throughout eternity
Anticipation, 15 years such a long wait…
My little champion, the battle had been won
My healthy, happy, loving son
My little frog – nursed so contentedly
Nourishment, being his utmost priority
The wondering doctors were amazed how fast you grew
Big sister Tissy and I, the answer, we knew
Perfection, a blessing directly from heaven
Chubby little cheeks, pleasant disposition, a button nose
Sweet precious soul, setting our hearts aglow
Auburn brown hair, delicate lips
Beautiful blue eyes, with just a tint of gray
What a blessing if only for 4 months and 4 days
God decided it was time for you to enter heaven’s gate
You were so wonderful – He’d not wait
In our hearts is where you’ll be
Every moment throughout eternity